The Fastest Sparky In Town.

Far Greater Northside Electric!

Year Established



We are here 24/7, call anytime – holidays included!

Service Area

Living in Fort Worth or Tarrant County allows you to use our electrical wiring services.

About Us

Speed matters when a power restoration is on the line. Far Greater Northside Electric has the fastest electrician in town, with great quality a guarantee. Moving fast is great for projects like outlet repair. But can someone who works fast provide a high-quality electrical panel installation? Yes! By combining years of training and experience in one location, we provide you with the best of both worlds. Call now, and begin today!


When it comes to emergency services, speed is important. Our local teams mean that we can provide your circuit breaker repair the fastest, while still giving you great results. Other repairs that aren't as immediate, such as your light switch repair, can be done by the same dedicated professionals. We do more than repairs – installation services are available! Call for any wiring or light fixture installation projects, and be thrilled with our work.

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Contact Us

Number: (817) 286-3881


Country: 2820 Azle Ave, Fort Worth, TX, 76106

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